My beautiful girl

One of the many amazing things when I opened The Shoe Garden 9.5 years ago was that I could bring my darling Maltese, CC, to the shop with me every day.

In my other life, I had a photo of her on my desk. And suddenly she was actually sitting on my desk!

She would greet customers and graciously accept pats and cuddles. She would bark at the postie and couriers. She made people smile as they walked past and did a double take ... is that dog real, I could hear them ask? The local school children would sing out "Hello CC" as they walked past.

In short, she was a part of The Shoe Garden and a part of the neighbourhood. I, in fact, was referred to in passing as the woman who owns the dog in the shoe shop.

This week my beautiful CC passed away in my arms and I'm sick with sadness. She would have been 18 today and I can't fathom that she's gone.

Everywhere I look at the shop I am reminded of her and same with home. I know I was lucky to have her for so long; she was a sassy girl full of spunk and bravado. She was also my best friend. 

Rest in peace my darling girl. 


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